5318 - 48th Avenue
Taber, Alberta T1G 1S2
8:30am to 4:30pm, M-F
(Closed 12pm-1pm & Holidays)

Board of Directors

Taber & District Housing Foundation is governed by a Board of seven Directors. Each of the following member municipalities, elect one of their own councilors to serve as a Director annually:

  • Municipal District of Taber
  • Town of Taber
  • Town of Vauxhall
  • Village of Barnwell

To complete the final seven, the Board then selects three more Directors from the Community at large. The Chief Administrative Officer (hired by the Board) manages the day-to-day operations of Taber & District Housing Foundation. The Board of Directors are governed by, and follow, the Alberta Housing Act, its regulations, the Foundation’s Mission Statement and Values.

Current Board of Directors

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