5318 - 48th Avenue
Taber, Alberta T1G 1S2
8:30am to 4:30pm, M-F
(Closed 12pm-1pm & Holidays)

Meals on Wheels

Meals are delivered between 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, Monday – Friday (except statutory holidays).



Clearview Lodge kitchen staff prepares a hot nutritious noontime meal to be delivered to the individual’s home.

Volunteers from churches, local businesses, groups, and service clubs provide the delivery Monday through Friday (with the exception of statutory holidays).

We do have a Family Delivered option for those interested in Meals on Wheels, but do not live in the Town of Taber. Call or stop in at the Admin office for more information.

Taber and District Housing Foundation coordinates the administration and delivery volunteers.

Meals on Wheels Program Information

Meals on Wheels Program Admission Criteria

  1. Individuals 65 years of age or older with a valid recognized need who require Meals on Wheels in order to maintain or stabilize their health. A recognized valid need is described as illness or accident, weight loss, recent bereavement, spouse moving to a higher level of care, visual problems, concerns for safety, frail, unstable health, poor nutritional intake, convalescence, shopping difficulties or a disability that prevents them from preparing their own meals; or
  2. Handicapped individuals less than 65 years who require Meals on Wheels in order for them to remain reasonably independent require; or
  3. Individuals under the age of 65 must have a Taber and District Housing Foundation Meals on Wheels Referral completed by their family physician or Community Care RN; or
  4. Individuals who have limited family/community support.
  5. Ineligible Meals on Wheels program recipients: those individuals who are actively employed i.e. Nannies, care givers, self-employed individuals, etc.

Meals on Wheels Program Administration

  • All Meals on Wheels will be administered and setup at the Taber & District Housing Foundation main office; located at 5318 – 48 Ave., Taber, AB T1G 1S2.
  • All Meals on Wheels recipients will pay for the service by Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD).
  • The cost of meals is based on income if a notice of assessment is provided. If you choose not to provide your income information you will be charged the rate of $8.50 per meal. If your Income Line 150 is $20,000 or below the cost is $4.00 per meal.  If you are above $20,000 the cost is the discounted rate of $8.50 per meal. (Effective January 1,2023)

Download Meals on Wheels Forms

Click a button below to download the necessary forms.

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